


Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for GUI access

For access to the While1 Voice graphical user interface (GUI), two-factor authentication (2FA) can be activated as an additional protection measure.

The 2FA measure is available for Users who access the GUI (GUI accounts or users who have activated Web login) and require IP confirmation via email.

To enable 2FA it is necessary that users :

  • Have access to email
  • Have valid email addresses filled in PBX (PBX :: Users, Edit User)

To enable 2FA for web access:

1. Go to the module Settings :: Parameters

2. Click on users_ip_confirm, tick YES and Save.

Please note! After activating the feature, you will need to confirm your IP via email to continue using the platform.

Once confirmed, the saved IP is valid for 30 days for all users using the same IP! Confirming the IP also allows the use of phones from that IP at the same time. An IP will have to be validated by any of the users, once a month.

We recommend enabling Two-factor authentication (2FA) for access to the While Voice GUI, as a safety measure against data security breaches.

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