


Missed calls notifications and recovery

See also:

  • A missed call is a call that has not reached an user/agent (the caller has not talked to a person in the company)
  • In order to receive missed calls notifications via email, you must complete the email address in settings Project or in Inbound routes
  • In order to receive missed call notifications via email, the call must reach the queue, i.e. after playing the message Please wait, we will answer your call in a moment (enter_queue)
  • Missed calls can be recovered in Home / Missed calls section

Missed calls can happen in certain situations:

1. Hanging up the phone while being on hold musiconhold (after listening to the sound file enter_queue)

2. Calling outside working hours

3. If there is no logged in agent

4. If the call duration has expired and the call wasn't answered to

5. If the call was rejected by the assigned agent


1. Missed call notifications when calls are closed before entering the queue

Upon request, missed calls notifications can be automatically sent when calls are closed before entering the queue (eg: hung up call during welcoming message welcome/we_are_recording).
In order to enable the option, send an email to asking for the constant enabling:

FORCE_MISSED_CALLS=1 ; special case - send missed calls email every time
FORCE_MISSED_CALLS_MIN_IVR_DURATION= ; special case - create missed for IVR duration

Please note: In this case, there may also be situations in which you may receive false-missed call email (e.g: voice mail call).

2. Change the language for missed calls notifications via email

Upon request, you can change the language in which email notifications are sent.
Please send a request to to change the APP_LANG constant (eg: define ('APP_LANG', 'en_US').

Available in other languages: RO