


Category Features

The features of each product are determined by the category of which it belongs.
In order to complete the product sheet, we must first define the features template.
In addition to the natural features of each product (EAN code, model, manufacturer, category), for each category the pattern of characteristics (features) specific to it must be established.
For the common features of all products, the global features will be used.

To add a group of features to a category, go to Store / Category Features and follow the steps below:

  • Step 1. * Choose the category of products for which you want to add features
  • Step 2. * If the characteristics of the category are similar to those of another existing category, they can be copied from it (_Copy features from the category: _)
  • Step 3. : To add new features to the current category, you must first create the feature group, click on "Add a group"
  • Step 4. * Complete the group name and add the group
  • Step 5. * Click "Add feature"
  • Step 6. * Complete the name of the feature (and optionally, the unit of measure in the UM field and the description) and click on "Add"*

After creating the features, they can be edited using the following options:
  • * Icons*
  • * In listing*
  • * Hide label*
  • * Order*
  • * Delete*

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