


Clients List

Search New Client

Go to: Clients->Clients List

In the input area you can search by:

- last name/first name
- email address
- telephone number
- Client's ID
- company's name

Search Engine last name+ first name:

For every customer obtained on the search you can Add Order or placed See Orders

Once the client is identified, click on the name and the tab containing the tabs will open (see from printscreen #2):

- Personal information
- Addresses
- Companies
- Orders
- Messages
- Maintenance
- Satisfaction level
- Calls
- Loyalty Points
- History

If you want to modify Personal data, add Delivery addresses, Companies see also Modify Client Information

Also from this section you can add: Order, Service entry, Ticket or Delete (only marked deleted, not deleted from database), Reset password (see #1 from printscreen)

Add New Client

You will reach to: Clients >> Client list >> click on option "New client"

Fill in the tab Personal data:

- First name - mandatory field when inserting the client
- Name
- Email - upon completion, checks are made if the address is in the format and if it already exists in the database. See the printscreen below

- Mobile phone - upon completion, the uniqueness of the phone is verified
- Fixed telephone Number
- Citizenship
- ID Number
- ID Number Issued by
- Newsletter - it is selected "Yes" by default, the client will receive a newsletter
- Promotional SMS message
- Birthday date
- Sex
- Source - it is selected "Telephone" by default, conversion customer: Telephone - was recorded by telephone by an operator.
- Group - see also Groups section
- Dedicated Operator - if selected, any order received by this customer will be assigned to that operator.
- Discount
- Payment Due Date
- Blocked Telephone Number - option by which the client will not be able to access their own account, the access being restricted.
- Do not send registration email - By default, when creating an account by an operator, a password consisting of 4 or 5 digits will be sent to the email address of the account by which the customer can log on to the site. If this option is checked the client will not be able to access the account until after he has recovered their password.
- The origin of the online store - The name of the store is filled out by default. The possibility of selecting if there are more than 2 stores with the same common admin

After completing the data completion press the button "Add Client". See also Modify Client Information

Modify Client Information

You will obtain the following: Clients >> Customer list >> Search for Existing Client or Add New Client

In section #1 the following operations can be performed:

- Add new Order
- Maintenance Register
- Add Ticket

In section #2 there are the following tabs:

- Personal Information *
- *Addresses

- Companies
- Orders
- Messages
- Maintenance
- Satisfaction Level
- Phone Calls
- Loyalty Points
- History

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