


Global Mark Ups

Global mark ups are used to calculate sales prices and can be set by each category individually or by the manufacturer, within the category.

To set global mark ups for a product category go to Store / Prices / Global Mark Ups and select the product category:

In order to define global mark ups for a category:

  1. complete the value in the "Mark Up" section
  2. select the manufacturer or all manufacturers
  3. complete the values ​​for the purchase price range in which the mark up is applied (to define intervals of the type n - infinite, do not fill anything in the price field)
  4. click on "Add"

The platform offers the possibility of setting a * minimum value of the mark up * (constant definition * MINIMUM_MARKUP *), which will be used as a reference value and compared with the global or special mark up of the product: if a product has the added mark up (global or special) ) smaller than the minimum mark up defined (constant MINIMUM_MARKUP) the final mark up chosen by the system will be at least equal to MINIMUM_MARKUP.
If the product has a fixed mark up (manually) value, MINIMUM_MARKUP does not override the manually set mark up.

These mark ups are set automatically only for products that have set AUTO.