



To edit the sales prices and mark ups, access Store / Prices.

From this section you can:

After filtering the products that interests you, depending on the category, manufacturer, supplier, availability, status, price or mark up, the following information results:

  • Potential suppliers
  • Current supplier (purchase price without VAT)
  • Store mark up
  • The actual mark up
  • Margin
  • Sale price with VAT
  • Store availability
  • Status

After selecting the desired product category, you can set the sale prices in 2 ways, depending on the particular situation:

1.Fixed sale price (manually)

You can set a fixed sale price, without taking into account neither the purchase price nor the mark ups.

To set fixed prices for one or more products, follow the steps below:
  1. Select the products that interest you for which you want to set prices (filter, tick)
  2. From the selection list "Supplier" we choose the option * "Fixed sale price"*
  3. Complete the sale price that you want
  4. Check as follows: * Bar Price: * Not checked * Only for stock: * Checked / Not checked (if applicable)
    The "Old Price" option displays on the site depending on the template, the old price cut and the new final fixed price. It is usually used to highlight promotions, stock liquidations etc.
    The option"Only for stock" allows you to set fixed prices only for products in the store's inventory. After the respective product is out of stock, it will be passed on the AUTO price.
  5. Click on "Set supplier/price"

Please note: the system considers * Fixed prices * as an exception, consequently we will be notified in Dashboard for all the products that have set a fixed price.

As a rule, we choose to set fixed prices in the following cases:

  • if we do not want to take into account the [[Global Mark Ups] defined for the category from which the product is made or if we do not want to define any global mark up:
  • if we don't have referinte asociate of the product or references are suspended, regardless of the Global Mark Ups existence
  • to create stock liquidity, for active products in the store that have automatic prices (set based on mark ups):
    Apart from option "lichidarilor de stoc", there is the possibility to set manually products from section Prices, cumulating the 3 conditions:
    - Fixed price
    - Old Price
    - Only for stock
    Currently, after the completion of a promotion that includes fixed price products, the price of the respective products will be generated automatically (dynamically).

2. Dynamic sale price (obtained from Purchase price + Mark Up)

In order to set dynamic sales prices it is necessary to have available referinte associated with the products in the store and define the types of mark ups in advance.
There are 2 ways to set a dynamic sale price:

2.1.Based on a manual mark up:

Steps to follow in order to define the sale price based on a manual mark up:
  1. Select the products (filter, tick)
    #In the "Supplier" field select * "Auto" * and click on "" Set supplier / price"*
  2. In the "Mark up" field, fill in the value that you want and click on * "Set Mark up"*

Please note: the system considers the fixed (manual) mark ups as an exception, as a consequence we will be notified in Dashboard for all the products that have set fixed mark ups.
We will choose to set a manual mark up, if there are no global / special mark ups defined or if you do not want to take them into account (manual mark up overrides global / special mark ups).

2.2. Based on a global/special mark up:

You can set selling prices based on dynamic mark ups that can be defined according to certain criteria (brand, category, etc.):

To apply the appropriate mark up to products in a category, dynamic mark ups must be defined in advance (globale and speciale, if that should be the case), then follow the steps below:
  1. You select the products for which you want to set prices (filter, tick)
  2. In the selection list "Supplier" we leave the default option "" Auto "* and click on "Set supplier / price"
  3. In the "Mark UP" field leave the default option "" Auto "* and click on" "Set mark up"*

After applying the mark ups, you will be able to see for the modified products: * The current supplier chosen by the system , * Mark up in the store *, * Actual mark up * (depending on the rounding set in the category of which the product belongs), * The margin * and * The price for sale with VAT.

The platform offers the possibility of setting a * minimum value of the mark up * (constant definition * MINIMUM_MARKUP *), which will be used as a reference value and compared with the global or special mark up of the product: if a product has the added mark up (global or special) ) smaller than the minimum mark up defined (constant MINIMUM_MARKUP) the final mark up chosen by the system will be at least equal to MINIMUM_MARKUP.
If the product is set to fixed (manually), the MINIMUM_MARKUP value does not override the manually set mark up.

Please note:
If products have set fixed mark up:

  • In Dashboard we will be notified of all products with less than the value of MINIMUM_MARKUP.
  • In addition, stock products with a lower mark up than MINIMUM_MARKUP are notified daily by email ("Products sold at a loss").
  • In section ORDERS you will be notified in real time if a product is sold with a lower mark up than MINIMUM_MARKUP.

*If the products do not meet any criteria * (neither set global nor special mark up) the minimum defined mark up (MINIMUM_MARKUP) is not set automatically, but in Dashboard there will be a notification regarding products that have 0 mark up.

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