


API - Call Detail Records - CDR

The API CDR is used to read the PBX call list



Data is sent via POST or GET and must be of the form:

    [page] => 1
    [filters] => Array
            [date_between] => Array
                    [0] => 2024-01-01 00:00:00
                    [1] => 2024-01-15 23:59:59
            [project_id] =>
            [user_id] =>
            [inbound_route_id] => 
            [direction] => 
            [call_status] => 
            [telephone_like] => 
            [telephone] => 
            [source] => 
            [destination] => 
            [hour_between] => 
            [from_id] => 
            [uniqueid] => 
            [linkedid] => 
            [external_id] => 
            [has_transcription] => 
            [has_monitor_file] => 
            [has_recording_file] => 

    [api_hash] => 07112231a9c89f5b108af08608a97b07

The action parameter must be read. The page parameter's default value is 1, it will need to be incremented to extract the data from all pages.

HTTP Headers:

Content-Type: text/xml
Authorization: Bearer <token>


  • date_between: the interval for which filtering is performed
  • project_id: project ID in PBX
  • user_id: User ID in PBX
  • inbound_route_id: Inbound routes IDs
  • direction: call type: inbound or outbound (IN, OUT)
  • call_status: call status (NO ANSWER, CONGESTION, FAILED, BUSY, ANSWERED)
  • telephone_like: filter by any phone number (wildcard)
  • telephone: filter by any phone number (exact)
  • source: the phone number from which the call was initiated
  • destination: the telephone number to which the call was initiated
  • hour_between: the time interval for which filtering is performed
  • from_id: ID start for retrieving information (when the last synchronized ID is retained)
  • uniqueid: Call ID
  • linkedid: Linked calls ID
  • external_id: External ID

Example of parameters generation:

$params = array(
    'page' => 1,
    'filters' => array(
        'date_between' => array('2024-01-01 00:00:00', '2024-01-15 23:59:59'), // array(from, to)
        'project_id' => null,
        'user_id' => null, // Users IDs
        'inbound_route_id' => null, // array(1,2,3,4) Inbound Routes IDs
        'direction' => null, // IN, OUT
        'call_status' => null, // NO ANSWER, CONGESTION, FAILED, BUSY, ANSWERED
        'telephone_like' => null, // Wildcard search for source OR destination
        'telephone' => null, // Exact search for source OR destination
        'source' => null, // Wildcard search for source
        'destination' => null, // Wildcard search for destination
        'hour_between' => null, // array(from, to)
        'from_id' => null, // >= id
        'uniqueid' => null,
        'linkedid' => null,
        'has_transcription' => null,
        'has_monitor_file' => null,
        'has_recording_file' => null,
        'external_id' => null,

Example of hash generation:

$params['api_hash'] = md5(http_build_query($params) . 'your_api_key'); // make hash

Example for data sending:

$url = 'https://[YOUR-PBX-URL]/api/cdr';
$token = 'your_api_token';
echo curlPost($url, http_build_query($params), array("Authorization: Bearer {$token}"));


If successful:


    "has_error": false,
    "messages": [ ],
    "pagination": {
        "row_count": 0,
        "page_size": 100,
        "current_page": 0,
        "max_page": 0
      "results": [
      "id": "29056",
      "uniqueid": "1710401324.480",
      "linkedid": "1710401324.480",
      "time": "2024-03-14 09:28:44",
      "time_end": "2024-03-14 09:29:00",
      "caller_id": "\"John Doe\" <0312000000>",
      "source": "0312285000",
      "destination": "0700000000",
      "direction": "OUT",
      "channel_formatted": "PJSIP/john-doe",
      "dstchannel_formatted": "",
      "customer_id": null,
      "user_fullname": "John Doe",
      "qname": null,
      "code": "outbound",
      "call_status": "FAILED",
      "call_status_info": "DS:CONGESTION|HC:34|HI:SIP 503 Service Unavailable",
      "call_codes": "out no answer",
      "accounting_code": null,
      "accounting_value": null,
      "comments": null,
      "monitor_file": null,
      "monitor_url": null,
      "recording_file": null,
      "recording_url": null,
      "transfers": null,
      "project": "My Project",
      "inbound_route": null,
      "inbound_route_id": null,
      "queue_log": null,
      "ivr_log": null,
      "external_id": null,
      "external_info": null,
      "agent_details": null,
      "is_recovered": null,
      "transcription_id": null,
      "transcription_text": null,
      "bill_duration": "00:00:00",
      "duration": "00:00:15",
      "bill_minutes": 0,
      "ivr_duration": "00:00:00",
      "hold_time": "00:00:00",
      "ring_time": "00:00:00" 


Or in case of error:


    "has_error": true,
    "messages": [
        "Invalid filter: from_idxx" 
    "pagination": [ ],
    "results": [ ]


Available in other languages: RO