


Products List

In section "Products / Product list" you have the following options and shortcuts:
- set Prices
- set Filters
- define Category Features
- Statistics Documentation
- Products List

To view product details, apply the available filters:
- search by name, product code or label
- select by category, manufacturer, supplier
- select by status
- select by feed (Source)
- define weight range

To display all the products in a category, if the total number of products is greater than 500 pieces, fill in the value "0" in the "Limit" field.

Adding new products

Adding products that have no references from suppliers

If you have not yet entered in the database Suppliers References, you can manually add products to the site, which you will later associate to the references from the suppliers' offers.

Access "New Product" from Products/Products List in order to add a product to the store.

The page "Add new product" will be displayed, in which the fields required to be filled out are those in the tab "Product data":

  • Name
  • Category
  • Manufacturer
  • Format (commercial code)
If you do not complete the model, you will be notified in Dashboard, section "Products / Products without code"*.
The rest of the information from tabs "Product data", "Images" and "Features" can be added later from the pageEdit Product (Products/Products List).
Products will be automatically created with "inactive" status".
In order for the products to be activated and displayed on the site afterwards, it is necessary to set the selling price from section Prices, having two choices:
  1. access "Products/Products List/Prices", select category, inactive.
  2. click on Prices in order to display section "Products/Products List/Prices" only for the current product

Adding products based on references from suppliers
From the Suppliers References section you can automatically add products to the site, based on Suppliers References.