


Agent-side settings

Define the variables that control the ring duration, the permission to receive calls depending on the agent status and many others:
  • ringinuse = default value - no;
    if you want the queue to avoid sending calls to members whose devices are known to be in use (via the channel driver supporting that device state) uncomment this option.
    (Note: only the SIP channel driver currently is able to report in use).
  • timeout = default value - 15; (the phone rings 15 seconds to a single agent)
    it defines how long do we let the phone ring before we consider this a timeout; then, the agent is considered unavailable
    if during this time the call is not answered, the call will be sent to the next available agent according to the chosen strategy.
  • retry = default value - 5; ("without delay / immediate")
    represents the waiting time (in seconds) before trying all the members again
    this variable is used when timeout threshold is reached
    if you want the call to be put on hold for a certain number of seconds, before the call is redirected to another agent, then set the value >0 seconds.
  • wrapuptime = default value - 0; ("without delay / immediate")
    after a successful call, how long to wait before sending to a potentially free member a new call

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