


How to sumbit a support ticket correctly?

To make the ticketing process more efficient, make sure you follow the recommendations below when submitting a a new ticket:

  • Choose a short and specific title that will sum up your problem (e.g.: "Outbound Call Problem")
  • Correctly identify the PBX address by providing its URL (e.g.: )
  • Summarize the situation or issue, clearly and concisely, including links and / or screenshots, depending on the situation.
    Example: Go to Reports / Call detail records, click on the hash (#) in the first column to display the link of the call

  • Report the problem in time (within first hours), especially when there are call issues which must always include a link to the details of the call from Call Detail Records .
    The information provided to the technical team must contain details such as: From number, To number, Timestamp, either provided by link or specified only in the ticket.
  • The archive of internal conversations from your company email or discussions with other third parties should not be the content of a ticket.
    Please summarize your requirements to the technical support team in the form of a unique ticket, submitted to While1 Voice team.

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