


Configure explicit consent for call recording

See also:

To record calls in accordance with GDPR regulations, you must collect the user's consent first.
We provide the following ways to configure the consent of the data subject, when a call is recorded.
Settings for call recording and consent:

1. Inbound calls

  • Disabled (no monitor)
  • No Consent, no playback
  • No Consent, playback only
  • Consent on "yes" (press 1) AND "no" (press 9), reject for "no"
  • Consent on "yes" (press 1), continue for "no"
  • Consent on "yes" (press 1), continue for hangup

To set the consent on Project or Inbound routes, follow these steps:

1. Go to Settings -> Projects and select the desired Project

2. Select the desired option from the Monitor option list:

  • Disabled (no monitor)
  • No Consent, no playback
  • No Consent, playback only
  • Consent on "yes" (press 1) AND "no" (press 9), reject for "no"
  • Consent on "yes" (press 1), continue for "no"
  • Consent on "yes" (press 1), continue for hangup

3. Complete the 'We are recording' message field: recording_consent_yes


If you don't want this option activated per Project, you can set it per Route in PBX -> Inbound Routes

On demand

At request, a specific tag (e.g.: Rec) can be aded in Caller ID in order to identify recorded calls. Submit the request to for activating this option.

Technical notes: RECORDING_CONSENT_TAG= ; add this tag in caller name for recorded calls. Default is disabled. E.g.: (Rec)

2. Outbound calls

  • Disabled (no monitor)
  • No Consent, no playback
  • No Consent, playback only

To set the desired Outbound calls option, follow the steps:

  • Access PBX / Users and select the desired user
  • Select from the Monitor option list the desired recording option for outgoing calls initiated by this user

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